The plank helps you lose weight - how to do the exercises correctly

It is interesting for beginner athletes to know if the plank helps them lose weight and what benefits it brings to the muscles of the body. Regular exercise has a positive effect on all muscle groups. Two minutes are enough for gymnastics, which will leave a sculpted waist, a steel press, and elastic buttocks without signs of cellulite. The rack looks simple, but it has its own performance secrets and features. It is worth knowing more about them.

what is a plank

The most famous exercise for weight loss is capable of tightening the muscles of the body with regular performance in just two minutes a day. It is suitable for busy people who do not have time for a full workout, for whom the ideal figure remains an unattainable goal. Trainers compare the rack's effectiveness to hourly work in the gym - when running, the outer and inner muscles of the arms, legs, back, abs and spine are involved.

You can lose weight with exercise

A universal exercise is considered a plank for weight loss, involving all the muscles in the body, toning and tightening the skin. It works, no special equipment is needed for its implementation, it is done in a minimal time and it is easy to find a place to do it. It will be possible to lose weight with its help, but subject to the correct technique, combination with aerobic loads and diet.

Helps to remove the stomach

Very effective is the bench press, which works on the anterior, internal oblique, transverse and rectus abdominis muscles. Proper regular exercise reduces the volume of the abdomen, tones the muscles. The waist becomes thin, the back becomes stronger, a beautiful posture appears, the neck elongates, the line of the shoulders becomes expressive. With a daily rack, body fat burns.

plank to lose weight

for buttocks

Buttock support doesn't work any less effectively: it strengthens the hips, tightens them and tones them. With sedentary work, there's no doubt that this type of training helps you lose weight - it does that and it's very effective. A simple type of exercise makes the buttocks elastic, eliminates cellulite by increasing blood circulation in problem areas. A complicated plank with the legs up improves the shape of the buttocks, works the deep muscles, which accelerates the fat burning process.

What does the rack give

Priceless are the benefits of static training for weight loss as an exercise that needs to be performed just two minutes a day. The body is at rest, but it engages the deeper muscles. Here are some options for using the rack:

  • increased metabolism in problem areas;
  • tightening the contours of the body;
  • increased blood circulation, rapid fat splitting process;
  • greater flexibility, resistance;
  • elastic buttocks, flat stomach;
  • get rid of cellulite;
  • helps to lose weight, get rid of extra pounds;
  • increased bodily relief.

The damage here can only be performed incorrectly - pain in the back, lower back, neck. The first time after running, the deep muscles that are not used to receiving a load in their normal state will hurt. Massage, hot bath, even loads all over the body help to get rid of them. Improper muscle tension can cause pinching - note rack accuracy to avoid damage.

what muscles work

The exercise is considered non-isolated, not targeted specifically at the abdomen or back. Coaches call this general, isometric, and static (no joint movement) strengthening. To understand the running process, you should familiarize yourself with which muscles work:

  1. Cases - abdominal, dorsal. The pose is focused on the extensor muscles of the spine, rectus and transversus abdominis. The neck muscle groups (trapezius) work on it, aiding posture and supporting the neck during sedentary work.
  2. Shoulders - Static increases muscle performance. By holding the upper body on the elbows, the shoulder biceps are involved in the work, which helps to develop the biceps.
  3. Chest - the chest receives a small load.
  4. Press - the main abdominal muscles work.
  5. Buttocks, thighs, calves - keep the body in a posture, preventing it from falling.
girl doing plank to lose weight

how to do it right

At the beginning of the exercise, you should familiarize yourself with the correct posture to lose weight quickly. Working with your own weight always leads to the loss of extra pounds. In practice, doing it right boils down to the following steps:

  1. Roll out the mat, emphasize lying down.
  2. Stretch your body, support yourself on your elbows and forearms, bending them at a right angle. The feet should be on the toes.
  3. Keep your back straight, preferably a straight line between your head and legs.
  4. Tighten the press, note the absence of sagging of the midsection and protrusion of the buttocks upwards.
  5. Hold for one minute, repeat five times.

For starters

The weight loss bar for beginners will look difficult, it is difficult. At first, few people can stay longer than half a minute. Beginners are advised to stand for 10-15 seconds and gradually bring the time back to normal. The first time you do this, find a wall of mirrors to see your body reflected and correct mistakes. For relief, you can try a simple method with bent knees or clenched palms.

Some useful rules when doing the exercise for beginners to get a quick effect:

  • do this daily, sometimes;
  • each time hold the rack for a few more seconds;
  • to strengthen muscles, do push-ups, push-ups, squats and deadlifts;
  • at first, focusing not on time, but on sensations helps - standing until a burning sensation appears in the stomach to lose weight is guaranteed.

For men

An exercise for men is considered useful, it has the following positive effect:

  • trains resistance;
  • creates relief;
  • strengthens the legs, thighs, buttocks;
  • improves posture, the condition of the spine, relieves osteochondrosis;
  • relieves pain in the lower back;
  • ideal for the drying process to burn excess fat;
  • trains the sense of balance;
  • heal the whole body.

It is helpful for men to perform a traditional posture on straight elbows or arms. A kneeling exercise is only suitable for beginners - it does not offer the same efficiency as a traditional one, so it is rarely performed. The most difficult is the lateral one, which must be done first in static, and then complicated by spreading the legs to the sides. For working the back, the option with support on one elbow is suitable, and the body - with the leg raised.

man doing plank to lose weight

For women

Difficult at first but easy as you get used to it, exercise for women engages multiple muscle groups at once and strengthens the heart with blood vessels. For the female body, the classic version with outstretched arms, laterally and with abduction of the legs is indicated. There are varieties in the ball and in the knees. For women, the training offers:

  • strengthen the press - it makes the muscles that are deep, be responsible for the work of the "cubes";
  • reduces back pain - reduces severity, frequency of sensations due to spine flexibility and strength;
  • back muscle training, the complex strengthens the skeleton;
  • develops flexibility, elasticity of the collarbones, shoulder blades (the most inaccessible muscles);
  • lateral support stretches the oblique muscles of the press no worse than Pilates;
  • improves mood;
  • strengthens balance, standardizes posture.

How to do a pose correctly

So that exercise for weight loss is only beneficial, it is worth finding out the main mistakes of athletes in the photo who perform it at home:

  • relaxation of the abdomen, buttocks, legs - this puts a strain on the lower back and leads to injuries;
  • weight transfer to the elbows - as a result, not all muscles are loaded, it will not be possible to lose weight.

There are basic rules that tell you how to hold the bar to lose weight quickly and without harming the body:

  • lean on your hands and toes, keep your legs together without spreading, so as not to hurt your knees;
  • pull the buttocks, tighten the press, keep the hips straight, do not sag, do not rock the body;
  • relax the muscles only after getting off the rack - while holding the body on it, they should be tense;
  • start with a 10-second run, add five seconds every day and work your way up to two minutes;
  • don't tilt your head too low and don't throw it back;
  • do not strive to quickly reach the specified time - it is not the speed that matters, but the quality.

on the elbows

The classic elbow requires a mat as an optional accessory. Spread it, preferably in front of a mirror, lie on your stomach, take a deep breath and exhale. With an exhalation, bend your elbows at a right angle, emphasize lying down. Put your elbows under your forearms, stretch your body like a rope, lean on your toes. Pull the buttocks, stomach, hips, mentally stretch an elongated line from head to heels, hold as long as possible.

To reverse

The rear or reverse plank is considered more difficult. For her, sit on the mat, straighten your legs. Place your palms on the floor, place them under your shoulders, squeeze your buttocks and hips, and lift your body. With the gravity of the performance, transfer the support to the elbows. Hold for a minute, following the horizontal line of your body from your shoulders to your heels in the mirror. Repeat five times.

In hands

An assistant in strengthening the shoulder girdle and toning the biceps will be the barbell on straight arms. Get on all fours on the mat, rest your palms on the floor, place them under your shoulders. You need to lift your knees, emphasizing the push-ups. Straighten your back, put your legs on your shoulders or already. Keep your neck straight, pull your stomach in. Do not bend the lower back, tighten the buttocks.


This option forces the obliques to work, as the stomach is more involved in this position to support coordination:

  • Lie on your side, while exhaling, put your elbow under your shoulder, your hand on your thigh, stretch your legs.
  • Contract the abdomen and buttocks to the maximum, lift the pelvis.
  • Stretch a straight line, hold for half a minute.
  • Do not bend your lower back, watch for muscle tension.
side plank to lose weight

How long does it take to get results

The minimum time to show how much you need to stand depends on your level of training. For beginners, 10 to 15 seconds, and for professionals, two, five, or 10 minutes. There are superset schemes of various types of planks with alternating exercises that help to work even better all muscle groups and achieve weight loss results. Classes last up to 6-7 minutes.

How many times a day to do

The answer to the question of how many approaches per day you need to do will be the practitioner's sensations. If he has a free minute, you can do the exercise as many times as you need. The minimum is once a day, the maximum is limited by the stamina of a girl or a man. You can carry out the program in the morning, afternoon or evening, take breaks during weekdays. Constant rack performance helps you lose weight faster than in a month.


In addition to the obvious benefits, there are contraindications in which you cannot do the exercise:

  • intervertebral hernia;
  • injuries to the spine, neck, pinched nerves or vertebrae;
  • pregnancy;
  • postoperative.